Microcorruption Writeup - Part 1

This a writeup series on the embedded reverse engineering challenges on microcorruption.com.
Let's start.

New Orleans

There was a create password function in the main function.
447e <create_password>
447e:  3f40 0024      mov	#0x2400, r15
4482:  ff40 5500 0000 mov.b	#0x55, 0x0(r15)
4488:  ff40 2b00 0100 mov.b	#0x2b, 0x1(r15)
448e:  ff40 7700 0200 mov.b	#0x77, 0x2(r15)
4494:  ff40 5d00 0300 mov.b	#0x5d, 0x3(r15)
449a:  ff40 5100 0400 mov.b	#0x51, 0x4(r15)
44a0:  ff40 5b00 0500 mov.b	#0x5b, 0x5(r15)
44a6:  ff40 4a00 0600 mov.b	#0x4a, 0x6(r15)
44ac:  cf43 0700      mov.b	#0x0, 0x7(r15)
44b0:  3041           ret
Here the password is created into r15. We can see a hexadecimal character being pushed to an index of r15. Let's create a small python script to join these characters together.

characters = [0x55,0x2b,0x77,0x5d,0x51,0x5b,0x4a,0x0]
password = ""
for i in range(len(characters)):

Password: - U+w]Q[J


Here the check password function seemed to compare characters of r15.
448a <check_password>
448a:  bf90 4941 0000 cmp	#0x4149, 0x0(r15)
4490:  0d20           jnz	$+0x1c
4492:  bf90 4b4a 0200 cmp	#0x4a4b, 0x2(r15)
4498:  0920           jnz	$+0x14
449a:  bf90 2558 0400 cmp	#0x5825, 0x4(r15)
44a0:  0520           jne	#0x44ac <check_password+0x22>
44a2:  1e43           mov	#0x1, r14
44a4:  bf90 2f22 0600 cmp	#0x222f, 0x6(r15)
44aa:  0124           jeq	#0x44ae <check_password+0x24>
44ac:  0e43           clr	r14
44ae:  0f4e           mov	r14, r15
44b0:  3041           ret
Since one character is represented by two bytes and there are four bytes comparing to the indices of the r15 register, we can assume that there are two characters being compared.
Furthermore, since the microcorruption system is a little-endian model the bytes are flipped. Hence we have to read from backwords. Here's the python code to find the password to this challenge.
characters = [0x49,0x41,0x4b,0x4a,0x25,0x58,0x2f,0x22]
password = ""
for i in range(len(characters)):

Password: - IAKJ%X/"


The test_password_valid function proved to be interesting.
4454 <test_password_valid>
4454:  0412           push	r4
4456:  0441           mov	sp, r4
4458:  2453           incd	r4
445a:  2183           decd	sp
445c:  c443 fcff      mov.b	#0x0, -0x4(r4)
4460:  3e40 fcff      mov	#0xfffc, r14
4464:  0e54           add	r4, r14
4466:  0e12           push	r14
4468:  0f12           push	r15
446a:  3012 7d00      push	#0x7d
446e:  b012 7a45      call	#0x457a <INT>
4472:  5f44 fcff      mov.b	-0x4(r4), r15
4476:  8f11           sxt	r15
4478:  3152           add	#0x8, sp
447a:  3441           pop	r4
447c:  3041           ret
Here the sxt command adds one extra byte to the register r15.
4520 <login>
4520:  c243 1024      mov.b	#0x0, &0x2410
4524:  3f40 7e44      mov	#0x447e "Enter the password to continue.", r15
4528:  b012 de45      call	#0x45de <puts>
452c:  3f40 9e44      mov	#0x449e "Remember: passwords are between 8 and 16 characters.", r15
4530:  b012 de45      call	#0x45de <puts>
4534:  3e40 1c00      mov	#0x1c, r14
4538:  3f40 0024      mov	#0x2400, r15
453c:  b012 ce45      call	#0x45ce <getsn>
4540:  3f40 0024      mov	#0x2400, r15
4544:  b012 5444      call	#0x4454 <test_password_valid>
4548:  0f93           tst	r15
454a:  0324           jz	$+0x8
454c:  f240 a600 1024 mov.b	#0xa6, &0x2410
4552:  3f40 d344      mov	#0x44d3 "Testing if password is valid.", r15
4556:  b012 de45      call	#0x45de <puts>
455a:  f290 5800 1024 cmp.b	#0x58, &0x2410
4560:  0720           jne	#0x4570 <login+0x50>
4562:  3f40 f144      mov	#0x44f1 "Access granted.", r15
4566:  b012 de45      call	#0x45de <puts>
456a:  b012 4844      call	#0x4448 <unlock_door>
456e:  3041           ret
4570:  3f40 0145      mov	#0x4501 "That password is not correct.", r15
4574:  b012 de45      call	#0x45de <puts>
4578:  3041           ret
 Later in the main function in the line "cmp.b #0x580x2410" clearly compares the hexadecimal character 0x58 which is "X" in ASCII to the last byte of r15. So the password must contain 16 random characters and the 17th one should be "X"

Password: - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX


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