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Natas Writeup : 6 - 10

This is the second part of the Natas series. Let's start. Natas 5 - Natas 6 At first, the site reads access disallowed for us. Let's check the cookies out. There is a cookie called logged in which has the value set to 0. Let's try to change that to one. Voila, there is the password. Password:  aGoY4q2Dc6MgDq4oL4YtoKtyAg9PeHa1 Natas 6 - Natas 7 The site has a textbox that says input secret on it. The code calls the secret variable and compares our input to it. When we check the source code out, we can see that there is a PHP include a file called " includes/". Let's open that. There we can see the secret variable in all it's glory. Enter that to the textbox and there is the password. Password:  7z3hEENjQtflzgnT29q7wAvMNfZdh0i9 Natas 7 - Natas 8 Here only two pages are visible. The home and about pages. If you look closely you can see that the page id serves as identification on which pages to show. In the previous level, we have learned that the p...

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Natas Writeup : 1 - 5

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